Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Spiritual Disciplines - Service and Submission

As with most, if not all, of the spiritual practices, service and submission go very much against the grain of our culture. However, when we make them a part of our life, we find incredible freedom from a life of duplicity, manipulation, arrogance, and resentment.

Service: Downward Mobility in an Upwardly Mobile World

Jesus taught that the way up is to go down. He taught his first disciples that the secret to becoming great is to become the servant of all. He illustrated his teaching by putting on the dress of a lowly house servant, and washed the grimy feet of his students.

Submission: Freedom from the Need to "Have It Your Way"

Perhaps one of the most difficult spiritual practices is the discipline of submission. It is completely counter-cultural. We want things to go "our way." We do not want to answer to anyone. We do not particularly care to have someone tell us how to live our lives. However, we need the freedom that comes in living life in complete honesty, transparency, and openness to correction and discipline.

We are meeting at 7pm and are ACTUALLY having out movie night this week... Be there... Bring snacks...

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