Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Keep 'em comin'!!!!

Hey guys! So glad that you're all taking the time to read the blog and to comment...

There are so many different types of people in this world. All have a very different way of looking at things, different ways of learning and certainly different ways of worshipping God. There are some people who simply don't feel comfortable singing whereas there are some that simply ADORE it!There are some people who are uncomfortable in a crowd setting whereas some people enjoy being the life of every gathering! That is why it is so important to reflect on these things. God doesn't want us to alienate any of His children therefore it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone feels accepted and that everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in worship toward God in a way that they feel confortable. For some, this may be through loud (and what some may consider obnoxious) music, for others it might be a contemporary praise song and again for someone else it might be that wonderful old hymn. Still some feel that they can express themselves better through art or even dance. There are some who feel that they can only truly worship God in solitude and prayer whereas others need the energy of a crowd to keep them focused.

All in all I hope to encourage all of you to stay "others focused" and to truly consider ways to help make others feel more confortable and able to express themselves in genuine worship. The term "bizarre" that I used in the last entry is simply another word for unconventional. Let us constantly be thinking WWJD? Jesus was constantly testing the people around him and the cultural boundaries. People of the first century found him to be "out of the box" and unconventionnal, he definitely stirred things up and often confronted the "conventionnal" way of thinking.

Don't feel limited to comment in the context of what we can do at Summit Park or at Rymal. Think about commenting in context to how we can affect our communities, our cities, our world...


Anonymous said...

This whole thing has got me thinking...I want to do a documentary. A documentary on what turns people off from church and Christianity. It’s different for everybody: hypocrisy, too many rules, boring, or the whole concept. If we’re trying to attract the unsaved…why not ask them what’s up?

waveseeker said...

I love your way of thinking Anonymous!!! (Hannah right????) Anyhow, I've been wanting to do that for years but just don't have the guts!
Let me know if you're up to it and we can try it out!

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at the different ways we worship and commune. I am so happy that I am diverse in the ways that I worship. Sometimes I need solitude and other times a crazy loud rock fest. It can differ so much and seeing how others worship is amazing for one's spiritual experience. We need to keep our eyes open and see what makes the people around us tick. What do they use to get down, to feel happy? We can't bring them heavy rock if they can't stand anything over a whisper. If they like th group we should appraoch them that way and if they like to be within themself a less intimidating nature is needed. We don't worship metal with out great-grandma and we don't worship the Old Rugged Cross with a 20something punk.