Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Well believe it or not I actually have 7 more boxes... I hear that there's potential for more boxes too! hmm... I'm wondering if we should start collecting all of these clothes for the Christmas party at the townhouse complex close to the church? Maybe we should be looking for toy donations too! Hmmm I'll see what I can do... Maybe we should try to bring a couple of canned goods that relate to what someone would use to make a Christmas dinner each week. Stuffing is on sale at Fortino's right now because of Thanksgiving. That way we can also make baskets for Christmas dinner! HEY WAYNE! Do you think that we could ask Frank for some Turkey vouchers again from Fortino's? This could be pretty cool you know!

Let me know what you all think... Seriously, I don't want Jay and I to be the only ones motivated to do this and that we be forcing it on you. If you have other ideas, let me know.

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